Who We Are
Ralph's Beginnings
The year was 1989 when our family purchased a farm in Langley, BC. This 20-acre farm had originally been a 1940s dairy farm. When our family first moved onto the farm, the soil needed a lot of plowing and cultivating as it wasn't a farm in production at that time. With hours, days, weeks and months of hard work and determination our family worked hard to turn the farm into what it is today. We proudly grow 6 acres of blueberries, and just across the way, Murray, Ralph's brother in law grows corn. We are so thankful for the help and support of Ralph’s parents, sister & brother-in-law (Murray and Dianne Redekop). The farm has successfully contributed to Ralph's Farm Market over the years. Our mission was and still is to provide farm fresh produce, grown with care for our community.